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Mel Tomlinson
Melody is a qualified Professional Consciousness Coach and has practised her passion for people development, full-time since 2007. She is a member and is currently (2022) working towards her COMENSA Master Coach credentialling and plans to obtain this accreditation within this year, to further solidify her credibility as a professional and committed coach.
Her keen interest, personal experience and love for business made Business coaching a natural fit. Mel’s special talent lies in her ability to facilitate rapid growth in the confidence of her clients which translates into, them, smashing through their own, often self-imposed glass ceilings. Clients can expect major shifts in their lives after only a few coaching sessions as they step up, become braver, bolder and begin to understand their true worth. Her clients will often get promoted, receive job offers, significantly increase their business turnover or have the courage to begin their own business after a coaching cycle. Mel has worked with one-person businesses and large, national and international corporate teams in her capacity as a coach as well as a facilitator of the Performance Booster Program. She loves working with business owners, executive leaders and managers. Mel has also coached 3 former Mrs Mpumalanga winners on their journey to claiming their crown.
Performance Booster:
She is a driver by nature and heads-up market development for Performance Booster. Mel has been actively involved in the rebranding and restructuring of the Performance Booster program and is committed to constantly evolving the product. She is a pioneer by nature and is excited to bring Performance Booster to the Western Cape, after developing a very solid footprint throughout Mpumalanga.
Bespoke workshops:
Mel’s creativity and deep understanding of both people and team dynamics lead her to creating various bespoke workshops.
Her course, ‘The anatomy of trust’ was welcomed during the 2020/2021 whenteams experienced many trust issues in the uncertain times experienced.
Her vast experience on virtual platforms, especially ZOOM, during lockdown has given her to the tools to facilitate teams to improve their usage of these platforms with focus on developing relationships and communications, thereby improving team cohesion.
She runs annual ‘Kick-off’ workshops to assist teams in setting clear intentions for the forthcoming year.
Coming Out of COVID or #COOC facilitated delegates to navigate the hardships of 2020 in a controlled and supported way. A total of 18 Beyond the Crisis sessions were co-hosted across many service sectors to hold the space during these uncertain times.
Mel co-created the SPAR AWEH material which was rolled out nationally and considers this to be one of her career peak moments.
Mel as a Speaker
She is available for corporate events to speak on a variety of topics, tailormade for the event. Mel has spoken to many small and large audiences, her greatest achievement being the Deputy Head Annual Conference, where 250 deputies from across South Africa enjoyed her opening keynote presentation and made vision boards.
Mel in the Media and Social Media
Mel regularly writes for Your Business magazine. She has been interviewed on the television show, Pasella and for the magazine Entrepreneur. She was featured in the Sunday Times Women’s month magazine and has appeared in many local and national magazines and newspaper articles as a coach and advocate for the industry.
Mel has a You Tube Channel and active Face Book and LinkedIn page should you wish to read more. Please feel free to join her ‘REBUILD YOUR LIFE 2022’ Face Book page for daily encouragement and inspiration.